Going Paperless with ADHD

64. Self-Concept (Your Thoughts About You)

Deciding what you want to think and believe about yourself is the main tool and concept that will stop you from organizing your entire life, then rebounding back to where you started because you couldn't keep up with the systems you created. If your identity doesn't change to support the new results you create, you will ultimately snap back to that old software. Long-lasting results require a software update to your brain, so it thinks thoughts that support your results you worked so hard to create. See you inside for a deep dive into this life-changing concept that you can start applying right away.

•  Register for the free live coaching call on Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 (always the second Tuesday at 2) from 2:00-3:00 CDT (click here to register) or copy and paste: https://morgandodsoncoaching.ck.page/699b77e427

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•  This week's quote:  "Good habits can make rational sense, but if they conflict with your identity, you will fail to put them into action."  -James Clear