Going Paperless with ADHD

61. The fact that you have desire for something proves it’s possible for you to achieve it

Having desire for something is all the proof you need to believe that it's possible, and then you go and make it happen. Your true desires are there for a reason. There's a reason I don't want to be a professional athlete, but there IS a reason I have previously wanted to become a life coach. How do I know? Because I BECAME A LIFE COACH. Tune in to this episode to hear about ways your dreams are actually much more achievable than you think, just based on this one simple little thing called desire. 

•  Register for the free live coaching call on Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 (always the second Tuesday at 2) from 2:00-3:00 CDT (click here to register) or copy and paste: https://morgandodsoncoaching.ck.page/699b77e427

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•  This week's quote: "I don’t believe that there are average people. I think everyone’s extraordinary. I think the difference is people willing to do hard things get to experience how extraordinary they are." — Brooke Castillo

Recommended Episodes:
•  53. River of Misery
•  56. Your Desire Gives You Direction